Cauzeway or Cauzewhy?

Cauzeway or Cauzewhy?

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Psst …. How does a disabled vehicle get itself to a Safety Bay?
Such as:
Keep all vehicles over 2-axels in the right-hand lane to reduce speeding and lane changing.
Have marked and unmarked vehicles ride with the traffic instead of so many just sitting in the crossovers. (Is the goal to just give tickets or provide Safety?) Remember: all ticket revenue goes to the parishes, not to the Causeway!
Lower the speed limit.
Produce independent studies to prove the proposals will actually increase safety.
Produce independent studies to prove the proposals won’t actually decrease safety.
If the new debt is paid off at the same rate as the existing debt,
it will take 1235 Years to pay off.
Psst…again… How does a disabled vehicle get itself to a Safety Bay?