Vegetables to Plant in January: Winter Gardening Tips

Potato plantAre you ready to get back out in the garden? Maybe ready to plant your first garden? There is a wealth of information to help gardeners, both skilled and new. You can find out what plants would grow best in your yard, whether it be sunny or shady, learn what kind of soil they like, or how much fertilizer and water they need. Learning the specific characteristic of your plants is key to a successful garden, and when to plant them is a good place to start. Here is a list of vegetables to start in January. We also included fall planting times, for applicable plants.

January Planting Graph

We got this list from Their website has a wealth of valuable information for gardeners of any level. Our local library also has resources to learn about home gardening. The vegetables with the side note “seeds” are when another time is recommended for transplants. Southernmost Louisiana can use the earliest dates given in this list.