Stirrings by Beverly Hobbs Shea

Stirrings by Beverly Hobbs Shea

I love the honesty of country songs. Raw emotion, shared with an audience of neutrality, ignites a hidden spark and moves us quickly from untouched to identifiable.
Funny how we begin with a clean slate – ignorant of influential voices and with no opinions preconceived. Yet we learn to both adapt and adopt. And as we go through life, we begin to sift through all we’ve collected, and then decidedly take stock of what to believe, disbelieve, keep, or simply let go. We learn that the knowledge to which we claimed we acquired has become the wisdom by which we now live.

I love the authenticity of contemporary country songs. Unafraid to be transparent, their authors cloak their relatable words into catchy melodies and refrains that take up residence in our hearts and heads until another one comes along and takes its place. The artists who sing and breathe life to the words and feelings perfectly introduce, resolve, and let it go all within a passionate 3 minute delivery. Reminds me of Richard Carlson’s profound declaration “Wherever you are, be there.”
I may not be able to write a country song, but I can certainly write the story.
Beverly Hobbs Shea is Consulting Realtor at High Road Properties. 504-669-8826