This week’s pic ‘Fall Roots’ was submitted by Cici Photography Submit your photo for “Pic of the Week” by emailing, posting on our
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How to Host a Food Drive for Northshore Food Bank
Each year, the Northshore Food Bank distributes over 1 million pounds of food to the residents of St. Tammany and Washington parishes. This year the Food Bank saw an increase of more than 110% in the number of individuals and families they serve due to COVID.
Volunteers Needed – Replanting Downtown Planters with Keep Covington Beautiful
This Saturday join Keep Covington Beautiful in re-planting the downtown planters! Please bring your own gloves, water and trowel. Meeting at the Covington Trailhead at 9:30.
Pic of the Week
This week’s pic “Fall” was submitted by Cici Photography. Submit your photo for “Pic of the Week” by emailing, posting on our Facebook
Pallets With Purpose Fundraiser Event at Covington Food Bank
On Saturday, November 1st 6:30 – 10 pm the Covington Food Bank will host Pallets With Purpose: fun-flavored, food-funding warehouse event. Guests will enjoy
Experience Hong Kong… Plus – Scrumptious Scones! At The English Tea Room
Explore the British Empire with The English Tea Room on their next port of adventure… Hong Kong! Join them as they embrace the cuisine