A common sight at dusk, bats are the only mammal capable of true flight. Their order, Chiroptera, is the second largest order of mammals after rodents, comprising about 20% of all classified mammal species worldwide. There are over 1,400 species of bats in the world – 45 are native to the United States, 11 can be spotted in Louisiana.
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Wildlife Lookout: Catbirds & Mockingbirds
Two common birds that often get mistaken for one another are the northern mockingbird and the gray catbird. Both are in the Mimidae, or mimid, family. They are remarkable song birds, and many species are especially skilled in mimicry of a wide variety of sounds. The name “Mimidae” is Latin for “mimic”.
Wildlife Lookout: Weird Facts About the Wild Turkey
Turkeys have long been associated with a traditional Thanksgiving feast, but how much else do we know about them? Here are some interesting and little-known facts about turkeys.
Flora of Covington: Facts About the Bald Cypress
There are many cypress trees in Covington, but how much do we really know about them? Learn more about Louisiana’s State Tree here! Bald
Flora of Covington: the Pecan Tree, a Southern Tradition
Many old and young trees can be spotted in the Covington area, some remnants of the vast pecan groves and orchards that once speckled the South.
Flora of Covington: Goldenrod and Ragweed – Friend or Foe?
by Chelsea Cochrane It seems like every season is allergy season for something in the South, especially in our particularly sub-tropical region of it.
Wildlife Lookout: the Great Blue Heron
Ardea herodias The Great Blue Heron is a large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common over most of North America and Central
The Northern Bobwhite Quail
Also called the Virginia Quail or Bobwhite Quail, the Northern Bobwhite is a member of the group commonly referred to as the New World