The Covington-Mandeville Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) invites applications from women in St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes attending or planning to attend local community colleges. The scholarship will cover up to $1,500 worth of books and supplies for use at Delgado Community College, Northshore Technical Community College, Nunez Community College or Baton Rouge Community College. Applications are available at AAUW’s website The deadline for applying is May 24, 2019.
The Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is offering a $1,500 scholarship for a local woman attending or planning to attend a local community college and working toward their first associate degree. Branch president Eileen deHaro said the organization recognizes that while four-year universities are important, so are community colleges. “AAUW changed their membership requirements several years ago to include an associate degree or its equivalent from an accredited source as the minimum requirement for membership, and this scholarship program is an effort to reach out to those colleges and establish a working relationship.”
Ann Kungel, chair of the scholarship committee, said local employers want applicants with certain skill sets and community colleges are poised to deliver. “Many community colleges work directly with area businesses to design courses that meet the needs of the local workforce and this increases the probability that graduates will find a job when their courses are completed.”
Community colleges are also jumping off points for many students who go on to attend four-year universities. “Many non-traditional students or students first ‘testing the waters’ are more comfortable taking beginning classes at a community college rather than the larger, more intimidating four-year college,” said deHaro. Students can accumulate college credit locally and more affordably. Kungel said, “Several years spent at a community college can be used to establish basic competency and credits for transfer to a four-year university later.”
AAUW’s scholarship committee invites applications from women keen on advancing their education, no matter their age or circumstances. Non-traditional students are strongly encouraged to apply. Community colleges often capture this demographic, according to deHaro. “The student returning to school after a lapse of time, the student getting another degree, the student whose enthusiasm is not reflected in her grades, or the drop-out who got a GED/HiSET are more likely to attend the two-year community college first before deciding to continue at a four-year college.”
AAUW designed the scholarship for students who may not necessarily qualify for traditional performance-based academic scholarships. DeHaro said the committee is reaching out to women who want to better themselves through education, even if their past grades are not very good. “The ultimate goal is to help this student get a foothold toward a degree.”
The $1,500 scholarship will offset the cost of books and supplies for a woman attending or planning to attend Delgado Community College, Northshore Technical Community College, Nunez Community College, or Baton Rouge Community College. Members of the scholarship committee acknowledged that while federal grants and financial aid programs help with tuition, these programs do not pay for everything.
“The need for expensive books and supplies is still there.” Kungel said, “The $1,500 scholarship may not be enough to cover full course work or tuition but it will certainly assist the recipient.”
Women living in St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes are eligible to apply. The applicant must be working on their first degree at any of the eligible colleges. In addition to three letters of recommendation, applicants must also submit a resume. The resume should include anything that would describe the applicant’s accomplishments and future goals.
Applications and additional information are available on the AAUW website at The deadline for submission is May 24, 2019. The winner will be announced June 30th.