Why is my water pressure low or my water flow too slow?
This is typically an issue with the water service, or with the pipes in the house. Actually, the pressure may be OK and there is simply a limit on the volume of water able to pass through the system. Many homes built before 1975 have galvanized water service lines, and many homes built before 1965 have galvanized piping throughout the house. Galvanized pipe rusts over time. Eventually the pipe fills with rust, choking the flow of water. You may see a major benefit by replacing the water service line, allowing you to run multiple fixtures at one time without the water volume dropping. We can diagnose the problem with a simple inspection of the lines.
The plumbing makes groaning and honking noises.
You may have lost your ‘air cushion’. Turn off the water supply at the main valve. Turn on all the faucets around your home. Then turn on the main valve again and shut off each faucet. This should fix the problem by restoring the ‘air cushion’.
How do I eliminate odor coming from my garbage disposal?
Foul odors are from a buildup of food debris within the disposal. To eliminate odors, place ice cubes and lemon peels or orange peels in the disposal, and run for 30 seconds. Next, squirt a little liquid dish detergent into the disposer while it is still running. Run cold water for about 30 seconds to rinse all the debris away.
What is the white stuff around my shower head and faucet?
This is mineral deposits. To remove these deposits, take a plastic bag and pour a cup of vinegar in it. Place the bag over the shower head and use a twist tie to hold it in place overnight. In the morning, remove the bag and use an old toothbrush to gently scrub off the deposits. You might be able to remove the aerators from the faucets and allow them to soak in the vinegar overnight. If this is a continuing problem, you may need water filtration equipment installed in your home. We can explain all of the water softening and conditioning options available to you.

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