The 48th National Artist Exhibition “Summer Show,” which opened August 10th, will have a closing reception from 6 to 9 pm with commentaries by juror Mary Hardy and artists in the show. The closing event is held in conjunction with the monthly Second Saturday Art Walk, when galleries and shops are open late on Columbia Street.
Selections for the exhibition included entrants from across Louisiana, plus Illinois, California, Georgia, New Jersey and New Mexico. Artists selected for this year’s exhibition were: Lisa C. Allen-Brook, Mary Ann Bonura, Carolyn Buslener, Cheryl Casso Corizzo, Anne Cicero, William B. Crowell, Georgie Dussouy, Robert Dutruch, Michael Eddy, Michael Elliott-Smith, Carolyn Finnell, Peggy Hesse, David Horton, Gina Laguna, Anthony Lazorko, Jr., Sadako Lewis, Katie McGraw, Isoko Onodera, Jessica Pidcock, Shirley Masinter, Daniel Reinhold, Sylvia Schmidt, Erica Nellie Smith and Mark Webster. The St. Tammany Art Association announced the artists selected for awards in the 48th National Juried Artists Exhibition at the opening reception July 13th. This year the STAA awarded $2,500 in cash awards. The Best of Show prize was awarded to Patricia Macaluso of Hammond, Louisiana for her painting, “Magic of the Sacred Space.” The award was sponsored by Carlos Sanchez. Other artist awards can be found on the St. Tammany Art Association’s website, www.sttammanyartassociation.org, and are on display at the Art House, 321 N. Columbia Street. All event are free and open to the public, regular gallery hours are listed on the website.
The juror for the 48th National Juried Artists Exhibition is Mary Hardy, Curator for the Duckett Gallery at The Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center for Arts and Education in Ocean Springs, MS. She is a 2013 recipient of the Visual Arts Fellowship for the State of Mississippi from the Mississippi Arts Commission and was honored with one of two Artists of the Year for 2005 by the Mississippi Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts.