How The EDF Can Operate Outside of State Ethics Laws: House Bill Allows Exception

Legislation introduced by Representative Tim Burns (R – Mandeville) allows specific exception for the St. Tammany Parish Economic Development Foundation with regard to State Ethics Law(s). House Bill No. 252 by Rep. Tim Burns (2014 Regular Session), relative to the St. Tammany Parish Development District and its board of commissioners, was introduced “to provide relative to the service of certain members of the board of commissioners; to provide an exception to certain provisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics for certain members of the board of commissioners; and to provide for related matters”.

Whereas the law previously prohibited elected officials from serving on the board of commissioners, the amended version allows an officer, director, trustee, or employee of the St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation to serve on the board of commissioners wherein they may participate and vote on matters with regard to the district and the foundation.

The specific provision by R.S. 33:130.402(H) exempts the district from compliance with the provisions of Louisiana laws pertaining to open meetings, public records, fiscal agents, official journals, dual officeholding and employment, public bidding for the purchase of supplies and materials and construction of public works, the Code of Governmental Ethics, the Right to Property in Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of Louisiana, and the Louisiana Election Code. Section 2 of the bill states that the provisions of said Act be given prospective and retroactive application. View the full document here.

Senate Bill No. 617 Relative To St. Tammany Development District

Senate Bill No. 617 by Senator Donahue (2012 Regular Session) changed the composition of the board of commissioners of the St. Tammany Parish Development District. The bill reduced the number of the governing board of commissioners from 15 to 13. Four appointments are made by the St. Tammany Parish President, four members are appointed by the St. Tammany Parish Council, three members are appointed by the St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation, one member shall be the St. Tammany Parish President (or designee), and one member shall be the executive director of the St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation. Seven members of the board of commissioners shall constitute a quorum. The appointments by the parish president and parish council consist of one member appointed for three years, one member appointed for two years and two members appointed for one year. The appointments made by the STEDF consist of one member appointed for three years, one member appointed for two years and one member appointed for one year. Check here to view this document in its entirety. Find out more about the St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation at

Article by Timothy Gates, assisting publisher. Contact [email protected] for more info.