Higher Education Demonstration at Louisiana State Capitol

Higher Education Demonstration FlyerFrom The Council of Student Body Presidents,
 “The Council of Student Body Presidents invites you to attend a demonstration Wednesday, April 15th from 12 noon until 3pm in front of the State Capitol Building.
“Students enrolled in Louisiana’s colleges and universities have been at the mercy of repeated increases in tuition because over the last six years, Louisiana has cut state funding for higher education by $700 million, more than any other state in the country. Now, yet again, the students of Louisiana are being threatened with a higher education budget cut of up to $608 million that could cause great harm to an education system with over 174,000 full-time students. Our teachers deserve more for their work, and our students deserve fairness in striving to better themselves and the communities in which they live.
“Louisiana’s colleges and universities cannot endure in an environment with cuts of this magnitude. We, as a state, need to work to improve conditions for our learning institutions, whether it be through voting for ballot measures that support our students, writing letters to our representatives, or simply spreading knowledge of the strain that budget cuts place on each and every one of us. We, as a community need to stand in solidarity and demand stable funding for higher education and our future. “

For more information visit No Funds No Future or contact [email protected] 985-514-9454.