Good Morning, St. Tammany! I am often asked what makes me think that I can do anything to fix all that is wrong and corrupt in St. Tammany Parish. I am also asked how it is that I am able to keep a positive outlook. The answers to both of those questions are actually the same and very simple – Faith.
Faith that all any of us want is the truth; and, once we hear it, we get it:
This was brought home to me several years ago when I was asked to represent the “conservative” side of a debate on our “democracy”. A very “social-democratic” group was holding the event. It was attended mostly by faculty and students from LSU. Each side of the debate was to give opening remarks about our “democracy”, and mine went something like this: “Hi, I am Karen Champagne, and I have to apologize. I cannot speak today about our ‘democracy’ because our country is not a democracy – it is a constitutional republic, and i want to share what that means.”
I explained that our republic is based on the constitution, and the role of government is to protect the right of each person to pursue his own ideas about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — no matter what anyone or any gourd might have to say about it. In a democracy, the group has power over the individual. In our republic, what the individual says about his life and property is what matters and his rights are protected by our constitution.
Faith that “freedom” is an easy sell:
I went on to explain more about the protections afforded us in our constitutional republic, and the microphone was eventually turned over to the audience for questions and comments. It was a very moving experience for me to see student after student come to the mic wanting to know more about this “republic” I spoke of. The students informed me that they had never been taught so much about our freedoms, and they really wanted to know more.
Faith that, together, we can make a difference:
This is why I am running for Parish President. I will share the truth and lead everyone in standing up for their rights by holding our government accountable — even and especially while I am in office. That is the service every public official is called to do. Please, help share my candidacy because, as long as our liberties are protected, we can each really handle the rest.

Democracy Versus A Republic
In a Democracy, the majority rules. If the majority decided they wanted your bike, they could take it.
In a Republic, your bike is your property and you do not owe it to anyone. It cannot be taken against your will, by law.
America is a Constitutional Republic
Therefore, the Constitution is the law by which we are supposed to be protected.
In a Republic, the individual is protected From the majority, by Constitutional Law.
A Constitutional Republic is what we were given.
It is up to us to Keep It.