I am announcing my candidacy for the Sixth District of the St. Tammany Parish Council. I am a resident of St. Tammany Parish since January 1995, and a retired Naval Flight Officer who flew F-4 and F-14 aircraft in defense of our country. I recently retired from a second career as a real estate appraiser.

My focus is on the selective enforcement of the Unified Development Code, especially with regard to zoning violations, and the resultant abuse of power that is running rampant on Koop Drive. This is a serious problem that dates to at least 2011, and has been brought to the attention of Richard Tanner via phone conversations and a return receipt letter; all to no avail. It’s time that the residents of St. Tammany Parish have a representative who will stand up for them and oppose the status quo of a council that has no concern for the arbitrary and capricious way that unelected bureaucrats enforce legislation, and do so with the blessings of the current administration.
I will take Koop Drive to task,
Eric J. Lowe
LCdr USNR(Ret)