There are several Benefits to Eating Local Foods
Fresh Foods Taste Better (and last longer)
There’s no comparison between fresh-picked produce and produce that was picked under-ripe and shipped thousands of miles to get to you. Not only does it taste better, but depending on how it’s handled it will have more nutritious value as well.
Sustainable Growing = Relocalization
The best thing about eating local? You can personally know who is growing or preparing your food. Look for farmers who follow organic and sustainable growing practices. Get to know their methods and reasons for following them. Shopping locally allows you to connect and develop relationships within the community.
Small Farms Promote Variety
Ever heard of the Cherokee Purple, Lemon Drop or Ponderosa Red? These are just a few of the thousands of varieties of tomato. Some are not suitable for large commercial production and can only be purchased from small, local farms. Variety in plants promotes healthy, sustainable agricultural practices while preserving Americas garden heritage.
Shopping Local Supports Your Local Economy
Spending your money locally with small local farms, restaurants and other mom and pop businesses is investing in our community. For every $100 spent locally, $68 returns to the community.
“Sow the seeds of Victory”
During the World War II era, community gardens called Victory Gardens were encouraged to lower the price of vegetables needed by the US War Department.