It is integral to balance the body chemistry for proper cell metabolism and optimal endocrine function. October begins a four week course directed by Glenn Davis and presented by Sunshine Garden Health Foods: A Holistic Approach to Balancing the Body’s Chemistry using Herbs, Diet and Lifestyle to Facilitate Wellness. Week 1 covers the importance of balancing body pH. Week 2 features Pro Biotics: Establishing beneficial bacteria to aid in digestion and immune response. Week 3 covers Essential Nutrients: Amino acids, Omega 3 Fatty acids and Glyco Nutrients. Week 4 focuses on Adaptagenic Herbs for Endocrine Maintenance: Cardiovascular Health, Hormone Balancing, Immune Modulation and Nervous System Integrity.
Classes are Wednesdays in October at 7:00 p.m. Space is limited, please call Sunshine Garden at 985-893-1463 to reserve your spot. Classes are $30.00 per person.