Employees of Lakeside Camera will teach the basics of digital photography from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, at the Covington Branch Library, 310 W. 21st Ave., Covington. Participants are invited to bring their digital cameras to the class. The event is free and open to the public, and registration is recommended. Seating space is limited to 40 adults. Located at the Covington Branch Library.
The instructors will include: holding the camera, parts of the camera, camera settings, definition of .jpg, explanation of output resolution options, explanation of red-eye functions, transferring, deleting and copying photo files, uploading e-mail attachments, and a question and answer session. Presented by Employees of Lakeside Camera. For more information, contact M. Nothacker at 985-892-6280.