“You thought we were done with Bicentennial Celebrations? Well, we’ve got one more for you. We started the celebrations with a concert at the Trailhead, and that’s how we’re going to end it,” says Sarah Chambless from Covington’s Office of Cultural Arts and Events at the last Covington Business Association meeting.
The City of Covington enjoyed a full year of wonderful events commemorating its Bicentennial, culminating with the Bicentennial Celebration at Bogue Falaya Park on July 4th. On Thursday, September 26, the city will wrap up its 200th birthday celebration once and for all with the closing of the 2013 Bicentennial time capsule.
The event will include live music by The New Leviathan Oriental Fox-Trot Orchestra; a showing of the Covington Trailhead Museum’s 12-minute feature film “Covington: Our Little Old Town”; a recap of the Bicentennial events that have taken place over the past year; and the closing of the Bicentennial time capsule, which will not be reopened until the City’s Sestercentennial Anniversary in 2063.
The event is free and open to the public. Beverages will be available for purchase. Attendees will also have the opportunity to purchase Bicentennial memorabilia at the event, including flags, mugs, T-shirts, and the commemorative poster by artist Suzanne King. A limited edition of 500 signed and numbered posters are available for $30 each; unsigned are $10 each. Bicentennial posters are also available by contacting Suzanne at high5studioart@gmail.com or 985-502-5660. For more information about this event, please contact Sarah Chambless at the Office of Cultural Arts and Events, 985-892-1873, schambless@covla.com.