Hi, friends and Happy Wednesday! Can you believe it’s October already? The weather is mild, the sun is smiling, and the Wednesday vendors are cooking up lunchtime deliciousness. Mr. Houston and Brandon are in the fields picking veggies so they’re at their peak, the musicians are tuning up their fingers and all is right with the world – at least for a few hours. We have lots of great food so come and enjoy the morning with us.
The Petty Bones will energize us on Saturday morning with toe tapping tunes. You’ll want your coffee, of course, and possibly a muffin or hand pie. Lola Deux will handle the demo at the Market this week. Chefs Keith and Nealy Frentz have won many awards for their cooking – and not just for their Parmesan White Truffle fries.
Close your eyes for a little minute and take a stroll with me as we walk along the produce trail. Brandon and Marietta’s table is a vision in color – various shades of green from the rich dark of tat soi and green onions to the emerald green of baby turnip greens to the pale chartreuse of banana peppers dotted with reds and oranges and purples of hot peppers and radishes. A little further along at Alton & Sandra’s, you’ll find fragrant herbs – basil, mint, dill, tarragon, cutting celery – all longing for a new home. They also have bok choy, butternut squash and kale starter plants. Nick’s lemongrass bundles stand out like a beacon of flavor. I noticed he had a small yellow fruit resembling a persimmon; turns out it was an Asian persimmon. I’ll have to ask next week if they make a good jelly. I picked up some sweet potatoes and thought I would try something a little different with them; I drizzled some of Jennifer’s Thai Basil Vinaigrette (Basically Basil) once they were baked. (By the way, they were yummy!)
Can’t stop there, there’s too much more to discover. Bardwell’s has a lovely variety of veggies and fruits from pears to yellow squash, red rip tomatoes to eggplant, sweet potatoes, string beans, red potatoes and white squash. White squash makes an incredible squash pudding – one of Mr. Wonderful’s favorites. Mr. Houston’s table is filled with beautiful green onions, turnip greens and mustards with the promise of kale in our near future. John had kale this week which I will enjoy later in the week (Mr. W can only handle so much healthy). The bright tasty green of tat soi, mizuna, large leaf mustard and arugula also graced his table. Jessica at Two Kids Farm spread her table with mustard greens, bell peppers, okra, and pears. Hmmm, I’ll bet kale, baby turnip greens, and pear would make a great juice combo. In fact, if you’re into juicing, make your own green combo and add Amanda’s fresh squeezed orange, mango, beet lemonade or watermelon lime juice. I’m energized just thinking about it!
New fall flavors have definitely arrived! Southy will have sweet potato soup and white beans & greens to tempt you. Speaking of temptation, Buddy announced his new Flippin’ Amazing ice cream flavors – pumpkin spice and spiced pecan. That just gets you to thinking…what are those girls at Windowsill pies dreaming up and can Pam (Lolly Marie) ever top those amazing little chocolates she already has? What will Hot Tamale Mama find on the produce walk to fill her veggie tamales? Will our jelly vendors (Robin and Althee) have something new and wonderful to try?
OK, you can open your eyes now. It was a delightful stroll wasn’t it? Maybe we should rename ourselves the Covington Flavor Market. Whether Flavor Market or Farmers’ Market, you’ll never discover everything that’s new and tasty by imagining. You must come and enjoy the adventure with us. We’ve ordered beautiful weather for you.
Lots of love,
Charlene LeJeune
Abundant Life KitchenThe Covington Farmers’ Market is open each Wednesday, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Covington Trailhead, 419 N. New Hampshire and every Saturday from 8a.m. to 12p.m. on the side lawn of the Covington Police Station, 609 N. Columbia St. Call (985) 892-1873 for information or visit www.covingtonfarmersmarket.org