Welcome to your new Covington Police Department. When Chief Tim Lentz was sworn in as Chief of Police this past October, he promised to be responsive to the community concerns. On Thanksgiving day, the Covington Police Department took a big step in addressing some of those concerns when officers fanned out through the city of Covington delivering meals to those in need on the holiday.
The Covington Police Department partnered with the YMCA and Rev. Mallery Callahan with the Greater Starlight Baptist Church to distribute the meals. Before noon, officers had delivered over 300 meals to citizens of Covington.
Chief Lentz said “I have never been more proud to be the Chief of Police in Covington. We had officers that were working and we had officers that came in on their off time to work on this special project. This is the image of the Police Department that we want our community to see. This is an exciting time here in Covington, but we have only started. Look for us at Christmas and New Year’s Day as we continue working hand in hand with our community partners.”
Chief Lentz would also like to give a special thanks to Officer David Woodruff, who on his own time helped organize this wonderful event. He is a model of what a Covington Policeman should be.