Someone once said that there is no greater joy in life as when you put a smile on a kid’s face. This past Saturday, (December 6th) the Covington Police Department through its Recreation Association held its annual “Caroline Darby Memorial Toys for Tots Fund” toy give away. Through its continued partnership with the Times Picayune, the Police Department was able to put smiles on the faces of 416 kids.
Families started lining up at 2:00am for a 9:00am opening. When 9:00am rolled around, Santa Claus arrived on a fire truck and began his traditional duties of greeting the kids and securing their wish list. The kids were then escorted by volunteers from the Police Department, Hannan High School, and Covington High School along with St. Paul’s High School. They were escorted through a large room where they were given the opportunity to pick a variety of different gifts.
Before the doors were opened, Chief Lentz thanked the volunteers, along with Lt. Melvin Crockett and commented that the “memory of Caroline Darby will live through the eyes of the kids today.” Caroline is Lt. Crockett’s sister who was tragically taken from us a couple of years ago.