Covington Waste Tire Cleanup Event – May 13th Through 16th

old-tires-for-recyclingThe City of Covington is pleased to continue city-wide cleanup efforts and will provide a waste tire disposal site beginning Wednesday, May 13th and continuing thru Saturday, May 16th. The tire drop-off point will be a collection vehicle located behind the City swimming pool at Reverend Peter Atkins Park, 701 N. Tyler Street.

The City of Covington Code Enforcement Office has applied for and received approval required by the State of Louisiana DEQ office for the Waste Tire One Time Cleanup/Trash Bash. Citizens are encouraged to bring discarded tires to the collection vehicle. DEQ permits a maximum of five (5) tires per person and that no tires shall be accepted from businesses. This cleanup event does not provide for disposal of any other form of waste products — ONLY tires will be accepted.

City of Covington Bicentennial logoFor additional information, contact Wayne Mayberry with Code Enforcement, 985-898-4738 by phone and [email protected] by e-mail.  The code enforcement office is located at 317 N. Jefferson Avenue.