Tri-Parish Works Announces Youth Career Development Program

Tri-Parish Works is the public workforce development entity and is overseen by the First Planning District Workforce Development Board (WDB).
The Youth Career Development (YCD) Program is for young adults ages 16 to 24, low income and/or have life challenges such as; pregnant or single parenting, lacking a high school diploma, in Foster Care or aged-out, unstable home, previously arrested, or have been diagnosed with a disability.
If they live in St Tammany, St Bernard or Plaquemines Parishes, and are ready to make a change to their future, Tri-Parish Works can help get them back on track. The YCD program will prepare them for the workforce where they will earn a paycheck while learning important life skills. Tri-Parish Works offers on-line training, career coaching and even helps them attain their High School Diploma. They also learn study skills, link to mentors, critical financial knowledge and résumé and interview prep. With the Learn While you Earn Program, Tri-Parish Works has funding for training, incentive programs and bonuses.
Go to and hit the “START NOW” button to learn more.