Last week, Northshore Food Bank shared some of the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic had on the organization and the community. The Food Bank also opened a new, expanded Resale Shop last year, a place to sell donated housewares, clothing and other items with proceeds benefiting the Food Bank. A survey aimed to gather feedback from the public on the new Resale Shop can be found here. The survey can be taken even if you have not visited the shop yet!
From Northshore Food Bank:

2020 was an unprecedented year in so many ways. This week we will share some of the numbers that demonstrate not only the increased need for food on the Northshore, but also how our community has supported us to ensure families in need are fed.
- At the beginning of the pandemic, we recognized the need for additional food for kids when the schools closed early. Emergency kid packs were distributed from March until school started again in the fall, and again over the winter holiday break.
- Through our Community Cupboard we have expanded our reach, providing food assistance to households that cannot come to us.
- For the first time ever, we distributed enough food to provide over 1 Million Meals in one year.
- By the end of September, we had already reached the one million pounds benchmark; this is a volume we might typically reach by the end of the year or fall just under it.

Did you know that by shopping and donating to our Resale Shop that you help feed families on the Northshore? All net proceeds directly go to operating the food bank.
We would love your thoughts on our Resale Shop. Your input could help feed even more families on the Northshore. Take our brief survey:

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