The following is an excerpt from the St. Tammany Parish Public Schools website. For the full list of FAQ’s, click here: stpsb.org/coronavirus/faq.html
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools is dedicated to protecting the health and well-being of our students and staff. As a result, we would like to keep the public informed by providing this list of answers to frequently asked questions. This is an extremely fluid situation and this list will be updated as information becomes available.
(Updated August 11, 2020)
When will school start?
The start of the school year has been delayed until after Labor Day. Students will begin September 8-11 in a staggered approach with “Safe Start Days” where one-fourth of students will report to school each day based on the first letter of their last name. On September 14, students will begin their regular school schedule, whether it is distance learning, hybrid, or in-person at that time. All 56 schools including the STPPS Virtual School will follow this calendar. To view our updated 2020-2021 school year calendar, click here.
Will meet and greets or open houses be held?
Schools may hold virtual meet and greets, open houses and other events. In-person Meet and Greet events and open houses will follow group size limitations and safety protocols must be followed.
Will volunteers and visitors be allowed on school campuses?
Volunteers and non-essential visitors are not allowed in school buildings except under extenuating circumstances. This includes PTA members, parent volunteers and parents visiting their children for lunch, etc. Visitors and parents/caregivers are asked to contact the school with questions and concerns and to inquire about access to campus to check out their child, drop off medication, etc. Essential visitors are individuals who must enter schools to conduct visits in accordance with Louisiana law or policy. Essential visitors are defined as individuals who conduct CLASS® observations, observe teacher candidates as part of the teacher preparation quality rating system, and provide essential supports and services including, but not limited to, early intervention services, special education services, or mental health consultation.
Will before and/or afterschool programs be offered this school year?
Schools determine if before and/or afterschool programs will be offered on their campus. Before and afterschool programs may continue but must adhere to maximum group sizes and physical distance protocols. For younger students unable to maintain physical distance, static groups will be maintained. If you are interested in before or afterschool programs, please contact your child’s school to see if it is available this school year.
Given the impact school closures have had on the well-being of students, what resources will be available this year to support their mental health?
Support and services will be provided to enhance social and emotional well-being of students and employees. Access to full time Mental Health Providers (MHPs) will continue at every school. Developmentally appropriate communication will be provided for students about wellness strategies and who to talk to about their feelings and concerns.
Where can I learn more about the STPPS Virtual School?
To learn more about the STPPS Virtual School, visit www.stpsb.org/virtual.
Have questions about COVID-19?
Email your questions to coronavirus@stpsb.org.
Read more FAQ’s from the St. Tammany Parish Public School System here: stpsb.org/coronavirus/faq.html