Each year, the Northshore Food Bank distributes over 1 million pounds of food to the residents of St. Tammany and Washington parishes. This year the Food Bank saw an increase of more than 110% in the number of individuals and families they serve due to COVID.
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COVID Update – Statement from St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper
From St. Tammany Parish Government: St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper (11/16/2020): “I want to wish every citizen of St. Tammany a safe and
St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper Announces Bars May Re-open for On-Premises Consumption
St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announces that bars may reopen in St. Tammany for on-premises consumption as of today, October 7, 2020, under Phase 3 guidelines as our percent positivity rate has fallen below 5% for two consecutive weeks.
Mayor Mark Update on Increased and/or Incorrect Water Bill – City of Covington
City of Covington Mayor Mark Johnson shares in an email update information concerning the water bill increase and recent glitches in the billing cycle.
Statement From St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper on Moving to Phase 3
Statement from St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper: “Moving to Phase 3 is the right thing to do for us at this time, and
St. Tammany Health System Weekly Update for Neighbors
Today at St. Tammany Health System, 19 patients are in COVID care with census of 155, and 294 COVID cases discharged since the pandemic began.