Sugaring is a method of hair removal which dates back to ancient Egyptian times. Sugar is a natural substance and a natural exfoliator thereby making the skin smoother and softer. The skin is prepped prior to and following the treatment. The sugar is warm when it is applied to the skin unlike wax which is hot; so the risk of burning is almost non existent. The sugar appears as a very thick molasses like texture. It is smoothed onto the skin so it is able to penetrate deeply into the hair follicle. Short, rapid movements are utilized to remove the hair. The skin is very smooth and the procedure is painless. Since the hair follicles are removed, the growth of new hair will take longer to appear. Hair as short as 2mm or 1/16 inch can be removed. Estheticians must be certified in the sugaring process; so you should ask and be certain that the person performing this procedure is certified. Sugaring is also used in body scrubs; but this type of sugar is similar to the texture of wet sand. The ultimate result yields smoother and softer skin.
Many of the facial treatments and peels are derived from ancient practices and substances such as the bark of trees, plants or fermented wine. Ancient women are often portrayed nude and hairless. They believed that having hair on the body defined them as members of the lower class. So do as the ancient women did… sugar the hair away!
Visit Opalescense Day Spa and get sugared by their certified sugaring specialist today! Opalescence is located in the Terra Bella Village, off of Hwy 1085 in Covington.