The City of Covington is pleased to announce achieving the required score of above 90% necessary to advance to State competition in the 2015 Louisiana Garden Club Federation’s Annual Cleanest City Contest, Category F. District judges toured the City on Tuesday, March 17th, and State judging will take place on Tuesday, April 14th.

Every day is Clean City day in Covington according to Mayor Mike Cooper, “Once again, I’m extremely proud of our Cleanest City district recognition and grateful to all who worked so hard to achieve this opportunity to advance to State competition. As a result of the ongoing partnership of the Covington Garden Club, Keep Covington Beautiful, and city departments working alongside each other, in addition to the community support by our residents and businesses, Covington will now head into the LGCF Cleanest City State finals.”
“I met with Mayor Cooper and am positive his commitment to our efforts is 100%. He could not have expressed any more pride and appreciation for our efforts to bring the City together for this cause. Category F is a very competitive group of small cities similar to Covington. The goal to win State is a big one, but if we all continue to strive to show Covington at its best, we can win,” Betty Cronin, Chairperson Covington Garden Club Cleanest City Committee.
For additional information, contact Pam Keller by email, or phone: (985) 898-4715.