Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View Ron’s blog Tammany Family here.
Here’s a collection of photos of streets in downtown Covington in the 1970’s, as well as a couple of Claiborne Hill photos.

Boston Street Southern Hotel

Above, Fair Parade October 5, 1979

Boston Street in Front of Old Courthouse

Boston Street across from Old Courthouse

Columbia Street, looking north from Rutland. Heritage Bank is where White’s Store was.

Columbia Street, looking northward towards Boston Street

Hebert Drugs, where del Porto Restaurant is today.

New Hampshire St., looking northward from Boston St.

New Hampshire St., looking northward from Gibson Street, showing Burns Furniture Company and Ben Franklin Variety Store. The Youth Service Bureau is where the Ben Franklin store was located.

New Hampshire St., looking northward from Rutland St.

Corner Boston and New Hampshire Streets

Southern Hotel building

Claiborne Hill, looking east from the overpass

Southern Hotel Building

Boston Looking Eastward From New Hampshire

Badeaux’s Drive In, 21st Avenue at Tyler Street

Columbia St., looking north from Rutland St.

Columbia Street Washateria, where the St. Tammany Art Association is now.

Covington Motors Staff, across from train depot on N. New Hampshire

Boston St., Looking East from Columbia Street

Boston Street, looking towards bridge from overpass. Holden’s Gulf Service Station is at left

Holden’s Texaco

A & P Supermarket

Lee Lane at Boston, Chamber building

Two photos of Southern Hotel under renovation

Covington High (CJ Shoen) 1974

The Werhli House on New Hampshire Street, located in area now a parking lot for Citizens Bank
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