In the early years of the 20th century, the city scape of Covington underwent significant changes because of fires raging through the downtown area. Four fires between 1898 and 1911 changed the character of Covington’s central business district.
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Category: Local History
History of Covington, LA
Local History: The Division of St. John Becomes a Historic District
In 1982, the City of Covington filed an application with the National Registry of Historic Places asking that the “Division of St. John,” Covington’s historic downtown area, be placed on the national register. It was granted that status in December of 1982.
Local History: Jackson’s Military Road
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet.View Ron’s blog Tammany Family here. Historian Powell Casey extensively researched the history of Military
Local History: Historical Markers of St. Tammany – Part 2
Local History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. This article has been broken up into 4 parts for ease of reading.View Ron’s
Local History: Abadie Family Recognized In Naming Street
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. Early in 1992 the City of Covington renamed
Covington History: the Train Depot
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. Covington’s first train depot was located on N.
Covington History: The Money Hill Tung Oil Plantation Story
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. Tung Oil was an extremely important product in
Covington History: Alexius Brothers Hardware
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View Ron’s blog Tammany Family here. The Alexius Brothers Hardware store was located on
Covington History: Historical Markers of St. Tammany – Part 1
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. This article has been broken up into 4 parts for ease of reading. View
Covington History: Highlights of History by H.A. Mackie
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. H. A. Mackie of Covington wrote an interesting
Covington History: The History of the Star Theater
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. The Star Theater in Covington is legendary in
Covington History: Fate of Covington Founder Researched
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. The history books credit Jacques Dreux as the
New Animated History of Covington at the Trailhead Museum
Mayor Mark Johnson announces a new animated history video now playing daily at the Covington Trailhead Museum. Oxlot’s Whimsical History of Covington, by Wally
Covington History: Cemetery No. 1
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. The Covington Cemetery No. 1 has been a
Covington History: 1988 Historical Walking Tour
Covington History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. The City of Covington compiled a list of
Covington History: the St. Tammany Parish Courthouse
Introducing our new Local History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. Here is the history as
Local History: Covington In The Early 1930’s by Philip E. Pfeffer
Introducing our new Local History segment provided by local historical writer Ron Barthet. View his blog Tammany Family here. We turn now to the
Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Excerpt From “The Jahnke Shipyard”
Excerpt From: The Jahnke Shipyard: Building a Place in Madisonville History by Megan Hill The property of the Jahncke Shipyard encompassed much of Madisonville’s
Law Enforcement History/ Points of Interest
The following is more history of law enforcement and civil service for the City of Covington, provided by Chief Tim Lentz of the Covington