Keep Covington Beautiful Litter Survey

Keep Covington Beautiful needs your help with the annual litter survey required by Keep America Beautiful to be an affiliate in good standing. This is not a contest. The results are used as a planning tool for litter prevention and control as well as community beautification. It helps KCB identify needs for future projects.

On Saturday, June 22nd, there will be a meeting at 10 a.m. in the council conference room located behind the Council Chambers, 222 E. Kirkland. We will review the survey procedure and divide into 5 groups. A vehicle and driver will be needed for each group. KCB will provide a route to follow. Each group will score 10 one-half mile areas along their route. The process should take about an hour to an hour and a half. We will meet back at the conference room to tally the scores and share comments.

Please let Pricilla Floca know if you can participate, particularly if you are willing to provide your vehicle to drive one of the routes.