Multi-Layered Project to Preserve the Shoreline at the Tchefuncte River Lighthouse Will go Forward

St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper announced that the Tchefuncte River Lighthouse Habitat Restoration and Shoreline Protection Project for Educational Outreach will go forward with funding from the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA). Councilman Chairman Mike Lorino introduced an ordinance at the October 2020 Parish Council meeting, which was adopted at the November 2020 Parish Council meeting, allocating approximately $1,593,700 in GOMESA funding to complete the project.
“When we were approached by the Town of Madisonville and the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum with the project to preserve this important coastal habitat unique to our community and to help facilitate access to the historic Tchefuncte River Lighthouse for public education purposes, we knew it would make a lasting impact on generations for years to come,” Cooper said. “The historic Tchefuncte River Lighthouse has a storied history, and will now continue to have a lasting future, as we invest in its continued preservation.”

“The approval and funding of this project to protect the Tchefuncte River Range Light Station here in Madisonville is very appreciated. This project has been in the works for years, with your assistance our community and St Tammany Parish will be preserving a landmark to be enjoyed for years to come,” said Madisonville Mayor Jean Pelloat. “The original building, built before the Civil War still provides boaters guidance into the Tchefuncte River. We want to thank each of you for your support of this Historic Building and Landmark in our community!”
Anticipated benefits of this shovel-ready project include coastal protection and restoration, recreational usage, educational outreach, navigation, and preservation of the historic Tchefuncte River Lighthouse peninsula shoreline. Design elements include: a proposed shoreline reduction bulkhead; a proposed dock and pier reconstruction; and a proposed rock breakwater. The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program and University of New Orleans Research and Technology Foundation administered the design with funding by the Environmental Protection Agency secured by Senator Bill Cassidy.