Slice of Heaven Farm is growing these for the first time this year and they are so wonderful. They taste similar to other patty pan squash, light and sweet in taste. People always ask how to cook them, so here are a few ideas:
1) Cut them up into cubes (minus the stem) and saute or roast them just as you would regular zucchini. I like to saute it in cubes and add to a light summer pasta dish
2) Cut the squash into thin vertical slices, brush with olive oil and sea salt and toss on the grill. YUM!
3) Core out the center of the squash and stuff like a bell pepper. I did this last night. It was amazing. I cored out the center and scooped out the small seeds. I filled a baking dish with an inch of water and turned the squash upside down (open end down) in the pan. I roasted them for about 30 minutes on 400 until they were getting soft. Meanwhile I made a rice and mushroom stuffing (you can use rice, quinoa, ground meat, whatever). I stuffed them with the stuffing and sprinkled parmesan cheese on top and put them back in the oven (this time open end up, no water in the pan) for another 20 minutes until the cheese was crispy.
June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month. Find local fruits and vegetables at the Covington Farmer’s Market every Wednesday from 10 am – 2 pm and every Saturday from 8 am – 12 noon! Live music at both markets.